Julio Foppoli ~ Author of the Spanish Audio Blaster

¡Hola amigos!
This is Julio Foppoli here, Author of The Spanish Audio Blaster. Thanks for dropping by! I would personally like to invite you to join the Spanish Audio Blaster’s mailing list. By signing up to this newsletter, you will get access to more specific videos about what the Spanish Audio Blaster can do for you. In addition, You will receive lots of free lessons, activities and resources that are priceless to any Spanish learner that are only available to our subscribers

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I hate SPAM as much as you do_or even more! I get no less than 1000 SPAM messages daily, so trust me here! I will not contact rent, sell or share your email address with anyone.


Apart from the Spanish Audio Blaster (www.spanishaudioblaster.com), I also run these sites:
http://www.esaudio.net ~ Live one-on-one Spanish Lessons to Speak Spanish Fast
http://www.learnspanishliveonline.com ~ Cutting Through the Information Overload
http://jumpstartyourspanish.com ~ The Most Intensive & Effective Starter Spanish Program Ever Created
http://spanishthroughjokes.com ~ Learning Spanish Through Jokes?~ You Just Gotta Be Kidding Me!

When I find something really interesting to share with my subscribers, I usually contact them  from any of those websites. So if you see any message coming from any of those websites, do not worry! Your email has not been rented or shared in any way. And I try to keep emails relevant and specific, so I will not bombard you with useless information. You will find that every single one of them is a gem! 🙂

Happy Spanish Learning,

Julio Foppoli
Julio Foppoli
Author of The Spanish Audio Blaster


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